Damascus Road Productions, the film and television production company founded by Ryan and Heather O'Quinn was featured in the 2018 Entertainment issue of Westlake Magazine this month.
The article highlighted the company's Westlake Village studio that boasts a state-of-the-art screening room, music recording room, podcast studio and post-production office suites. The Calabasas couple opened the offices in late 2016 and aligned with Craig Shoemaker of Really Big Shoe Media and Dan and Sharon Amos of Ampleffied Music to create a one-stop resource for film and television production in the Conejo Valley.
O'Quinn's Damascus Road Productions banner specializes in faith and family content and the brand seeks to rollout development and distribution services later this year. As an actor O'Quinn will next be seen in 2019's TICKET TO NASHVILLE and ROADKILL MCGILLICUTTY.
The article highlighted the company's Westlake Village studio that boasts a state-of-the-art screening room, music recording room, podcast studio and post-production office suites. The Calabasas couple opened the offices in late 2016 and aligned with Craig Shoemaker of Really Big Shoe Media and Dan and Sharon Amos of Ampleffied Music to create a one-stop resource for film and television production in the Conejo Valley.
O'Quinn's Damascus Road Productions banner specializes in faith and family content and the brand seeks to rollout development and distribution services later this year. As an actor O'Quinn will next be seen in 2019's TICKET TO NASHVILLE and ROADKILL MCGILLICUTTY.